Tuesday 13 September 2011

Distribs go nederlander in Benelux

The city -- Independent distributor Nederlander Film Works has inked an offer splitting Benelux privileges with Kinepolis Film Distribution, area of the Kinepolis multiplex business. From March. 1, Nederlander Film Works will handle films within the Netherlands while KFD brings them in Belgium and Luxembourg. Deal replaces an earlier alliance that saw Nederlander Film Works game titles presented in most three areas by Benelux Film Marketers. First game titles covered include Paul W.S. Anderson's "The 3 Musketeers," Jonathan Levine's "50/50" and Madonna's "W.E." Move further fortifies KFD's mainstream offer carrying out a 2010 tie-track of Nederlander distribbery A-Film. Contact the range newsroom at news@variety.com

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