Monday 17 October 2011

Livingston to retire from Fox distrib'n

Bert Livingston, 20th Century Fox senior VP and co-general sales manager for domestic distribution, will retire next month after 29 years with the studio. "My life at Twentieth Century Fox has been the greatest," Livingston said in a statement. "The studio has been like a second family to me. I love this business. But I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to spend more time with my wife and kids, do some traveling and just relax." Livingston served as a branch manager in Detroit, Jacksonville and Dallas for Fox before becoming Midwestern division manager in 1989. He later served as Southern division manager, then Western division manager, before being named co-general sales manager in 2004. "Twentieth Century Fox would not be the company it is today if Bert hadn't decided to make it his business home," said Bruce Snyder, Fox's domestic distribution prexy, in the statement. Livingston began his career in 1975 at Brotman & Sherman Theatres in Chicago, before transitioning to studio distribution. Contact Rachel Abrams at

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